We warmly invite you to visit us.
We welcome families who are interested in joining our school and encourage you to contact us to arrange your visit.
Visit Us
We encourage prospective parents/guardians and pupils to attend one or more of our open events, which include tours from our pupils. Our Stay & Play taster sessions for pre-school children run on the same morning as our Prep Open Mornings and allow parents and children to familiarise themselves with our Pre-Reception staff, activities and setting. If you are currently abroad, you may like to watch our virtual tour of the Senior School.
Register your interest
The next step in our admissions process for all ages is to complete our registration form to confirm your interest. A non-returnable administration fee is payable on registration. Places are offered subject to availability. If a place is not immediately available, you will be added to the registration list and you will be contacted if a place subsequently becomes available.
The deadline for registration for Year 7 is 31 October, for a September start the following year.
UK Registration Forms:
- UK Registration Form – The Acorn Centre (Pre-Reception Class for 3-4 Year olds) – £100 non-refundable fee
- UK Registration Form – Reception Class to Year 12 – £120 (incl VAT) non-refundable fee
International Registration Forms:
- International Registration Form – The Acorn Centre (Pre-Reception Class for 3-4 Year olds) – £150 non-refundable fee
- International Registration Form – Reception Class to Year 12 – £180 (incl VAT) non-refundable fee
Senior School Taster Days
Attending one of our annual Year 5 Days in June is an excellent opportunity to experience a typical school day, try out our facilities and meet teachers and other pupils. For potential Year 7 entrants who do not manage to secure a place on our Year 5 Days, a Year 7 taster day may be possible.
For applicants looking to join in Years 8-10 and Year 12, a taster day can be arranged on the same day as your interview. These typically take place in the autumn term before potential entry the following September, but can be arranged at other times of the year.
Taster Days are only available to those who have registered and paid the required registration fee.
Entrance Assessment
Following registration, an assessment will take place appropriate to the age of the child. If they pass the assessment, and their school reference and reports are satisfactory, a place may be formally offered (subject to availability). A waiting list operates once all places are allocated.
An interview with a member of the senior leadership team forms part of the application process for Year 7 and above. Interviews typically take place in the autumn term before potential entry the following September, however it is possible to join at other times of the year, if places are available.
Assessment Day for Years 7-10 takes place in January each year for a September start. Assessments can be held at other times of the year subject to the availability of places.
When a place is offered, a deposit of £500 is payable when the offer is accepted. This deposit will be retained until your child leaves St Joseph’s at the end of Year 6 or Year 13, when it will be credited to the final account for fees and any extras which may be due at that time. The deposit is not refundable if a child does not take up a place at the school.
Open Events
We recommend attendance at one of our regular Open Events held throughout the year, which offer parents and children an opportunity to find out more about the College and speak to the Head and staff.

Admissions by year
Pre-Reception Admissions
Attendance at one of our Open Mornings is the best way to find out more about Pre-Reception at the school. For parents of two year and three olds we also offer Stay and Play taster sessions for you and your child.
The next step is registration to confirm your interest. Places in Pre-Reception are offered, subject to availability, on a first come first served basis and taking into account our admissions criteria. There is high demand for places in Pre-Reception and you are advised to register early if you are interested.
Once registered, your child will be invited into school for a classroom observation and age- appropriate assessment.
Places in Pre-Reception are offered for children to join in the academic year in which they turn four.
The minimum weekly attendance for Pre-Reception children is three full school days (8.20am to 3.20pm) or five mornings (8.20am to 1.00pm).
Stay & Play
Stay and Play taster sessions are ideal for two year olds with a parent or carer, and offer an opportunity for children to create, play and hear stories. Adults can sit down with a cup of tea or coffee while the children enjoy a variety of themed activities, guided by our Pre-Reception teacher. The sessions run from 9.30am until 11.00 am. Booking is essential.
Years 1 - 6 Admissions
While the majority of children join us in Pre-Reception, pupils may be considered for entry into Reception or other year groups, should places become available.
For children wishing to join in Reception to Year 6, we advise attending one of our Prep School Open Mornings, or if that is not convenient, requesting a private visit. The next step is registration to confirm your interest. Places in Years 1 – 6 are offered subject to availability, and most classes are currently running a registration list. Once registered, your child will be invited into school for a half day visit when a place becomes available. During this time an assessment will take place appropriate to the age of the child.
Year 7 Admissions
Year 7 applications are welcomed and entry is dependent on an interview with a member of the senior team, passing the entrance assessment and a satisfactory reference and report from the applicant’s current school.
The interviews for all registered Year 7 pupils are held in the autumn term, for entry the following September. The deadline for applications for September 2024 is 31 October 2023. The entrance assessment is held in January. This consists of an online skills assessment (including verbal and non-verbal reasoning) and a written Descriptive Writing paper.
Sixth Form Admissions
We recommend that prospective Sixth Form students attend our Sixth Form Open Evening or book an individual visit to St Joseph’s for a tour of the school and a chance to meet the Head.
Entry into Year 12 is dependent upon an interview with the Head and the Head of Sixth Form in the autumn term of Year 11, and a satisfactory reference and report from the applicant’s current school. The academic standard is normally a minimum of five good GCSE grades.
Our Registration Form and Sixth Form Student Information Form will then need to be completed and returned and the non-refundable £100 (£150 for international applicants) registration fee paid.
Interviews and a Taster Day take place in the Autumn term to join the following September. Conditional offers are made shortly after a successful application.
Year 5 Days
In May each year, Year 5 pupils from local primary and prep schools are invited to spend a day at St Joseph’s College to find out what it’s like to be part of our senior school. The day is a great opportunity for children to meet other pupils, who may be interested in joining St Joseph’s, and to experience a typical school day.
The day is open to all and does not require application for a place at St Joseph’s beforehand.
Terms & Conditions 2024-25
Our Terms & Conditions can be viewed here