All students at the College are offered the opportunity to attend a wide variety of enriching and educational trips.
We ensure that all students are guaranteed at least three educational visits across the academic year that will enhance their learning outside the classroom, as well as provide enriching and memorable experiences during their time at St Joseph’s College.
While our trip packages are compulsory, we also offer several optional trips, particularly in Year 10 – Year 13, for students to attend throughout the academic year. Those trips will be communicated to the relevant parents at least one month before the date of the trip via Head’s News.
Educational Trips
Typical trip packages for 2023/2024 ranged from a trip to Odds Farm, trip to Winchester Science Museum, a trip to Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Museum, an overnight trip to Youlbury, 4 night trip to Calshot, a 2 night Wellbeing trip to Kintbury and a trip to Bletchley Park.
Trip packages are split into three equal instalments and invoiced each term.
Academic Trip Packages
Certain GCSE and A Level subjects (Drama, Geography and Visual Arts) involve academic trip packages which are compulsory or strongly advised as part of their qualification. Typically,this involves trips to Theatre productions, Art Galleries and Field Work Trips.
Parents of students will be invoiced at the start of Year 10 or Year 12 respectively. Similarly, to year group packages, trip packages are split into three equal instalments and invoiced each term.
Overseas Residentials
In addition to our day trips and short stay residentials, we offer a biennial rotation of overseas residential trips for all students from Year 5 and above. These residential trips offer students an opportunity to travel abroad, experience different cultures and aid their own personal development. These trips are advertised to relevant parents approximately 12 months before the date of the trip to aid parents with financial planning. All overseas trips occur during holiday time to minimise any impact on students’ curriculum time. The fees booklet details which trips will be offered.
Please refer to the Fees booklet below for the cost of of all trips. The Fees booklet also details the complete details of all trips on offer. The destinations may change for future trips, and the trips may, or may not, be offered depending on take up by students.