In Reception, we foster a dynamic blend of play and structured, adult-led learning to ignite children’s enthusiasm for reading, writing, and mathematics. Our approach encourages active learning, resilience in the face of challenges, and a willingness to explore new activities and experiences.
Small Class Size
Our Reception class consists of a maximum of 22 children, providing an intimate and supportive learning environment. Children can seamlessly transition from The Acorn Centre (Pre-Reception) or join us from another setting, following an entrance assessment and availability of spaces. Our overarching goal is to instill a lifelong love of learning in all our pupils.

Great Facilities and Specialist Staff
Our Reception Class enjoy dedicated spaces, including a well equipped garden, while sharing facilities such as the assembly hall, netball courts, and sports field with the pupils in Year 1 – 6. Specialist staff in Music, French, Drama, and PE contribute to a well-rounded education. Reception pupils also benefit from our swimming pool and can anticipate using additional facilities as they progress through the school.

Creative Curriculum
Following the Statutory EYFS Curriculum, our Reception pupils work towards the Early Learning Goals and beyond, building on their experiences in The Acorn Centre. Our teachers plan creatively, ensuring a broad curriculum that inspires learning through diverse experiences, with each child’s individual interests and needs at the forefront.
Literacy Focus
In Literacy, we emphasise Phonics, Reading, and Writing. Phonics instruction varies to suit individual needs, and the Individual Reading Scheme accommodates each child’s pace. Reading comprehension is prioritised alongside accurate decoding, and personalised reading journeys are supported with word cards.
Developing Writers
Writing skills take flight in Reception as children progress from emergent letters to words and phrases. Handwriting is taught with a focus on effective posture, pencil grip, and correct formation. ‘Have-a-go’ spelling is encouraged, with the expectation that children will write simple sentences by the end of Reception.
Mathematics Mastery
Our Mathematics curriculum focuses on Number and Numerical Patterns to develop a deep understanding of numbers up to 10. Children learn number bonds, doubles facts, and number composition. Depth and mastery are prioritised over working with larger numbers, and Shape, Space, and Measure are taught as enriching elements.
Co-Curricular Adventures
Our Reception Class enjoys a range of co-curricular activities, visits, and trips, including outings to the Oxford Natural History Museum, Little Street Role Play, and Cogges Farm. Theme days, such as World Book Day, add a touch of excitement to our learning journey.