Our College Hall was buzzing this week at our Careers Fair, a fantastic opportunity for our Year 9 to Sixth form students and their parents to explore potential career paths and engage with industry professionals. We were honoured to have fourteen major companies including AWE, Microsoft, Pepsi, Imperial College, Berkshire NHS Trust, eight individual professionals, and sixteen of our very own alumni in attendance.

It was an inspiring occasion, and it was especially heart warming to see so many alumni who have forged successful careers or engaged in further learning, keen to impart knowledge and motivate our current students.

One of the highlights of the day was the presence of Guide Dogs, with our special guest – Luna the guide dog – winning hearts all round.

To sum up the Careers Fair evening there was a collective air of knowledge sharing, there were smiles all around, some great presentations in the library, and an overall invigorating hum of educational conversations.
We would like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to all the Companies, individuals and alumni that attended and the parents and students who participated to make this such a successful event. We have had some great feedback and we look forward to the next event.