Category Archives: Uncategorized

A trip to Buckingham Palace for Alumni

Former St Joseph's College pupils recently headed to Buckingham Palace to receive their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards...

Young Enterprise team wins award at the Reading Area Showcase Final

St Joseph's College Young Enterprise Teams 2022 recently took part in the Reading Area Showcase Final with team Bamboozled winning...

Years 9-11 enjoy a trip to Paris

GCSE French pupils recently travelled to Paris to enhance their knowledge of French culture and to brush up on their...

GCSE History brought to life

Our GCSE History students headed for a two day historical journey around London including a trip to a the Old...

‘Et Tu Brute?’ – celebrating National Shakespeare Day

The whole College has joined in to celebrated National Shakespeare Day with a full timetable of themed lessons and activities...

A Letter from Pope Francis

Our Year 6 pupils have recently written to His Holiness Pope Francis and they have been delighted to get...

Eggcellent end to term

Happy Easter to all pupils, staff and the St Joseph's College community ...

Students win ‘Pain Reframe Challenge’ set by Royal Berks Hospital

St Joseph's College students are always ready for a challenge and this time it was our Sixth Formers' turn as...

Our new garden starts to grow

The  "We Grow, You Grow" initiative has officially launched at College and we are very pleased to be the first...

‘Extreme reading’ competition winners

Our 'Extreme Reading' competition has shown reading can be done almost anywhere! Well done to all our entrants and winners!...

Give the gift of reading

Our new books have arrived following our 'Give the gift of reading' fundraising campaign. Thank you to our generous donors...

Mathematical success for Senior students

St Joseph's students have performed well in recent maths challenges. Congratulations to all and keep up the good work!...