Our Year 6 Speed Divas – the London West Regional Champions, and Shooting Stars – the Vice-Champions, represented us brilliantly in Sheffield on Tuesday 12 March, battling it out with 34 other teams from all over the UK at the National Finals of F1 in Schools. This program is a fun, educational challenge where students design, race, and market model F1 cars.

Shooting Stars improved on their Regional time by an whooping 0.251 seconds and finishing 11th on the racing leader board by the end of the day. Speed Divas confirmed their unbeatable status on the track, finishing top of the racing leader board with an amazing time of 1.743 seconds which bagged the team the coveted UK Primary Fastest Car Award. Speed Divas also gained the David Barnard Recognition of Achievement Award.

The day was packed with excitement and the girls did the whole College very proud with their engineering and design skills but also the incredible confidence in presenting their team and work to professional judges. Here’s to next years F1 in schools – National finals.
If you missed our results at the Regional competition, click here.