Pictured above: Student Asha, who joined St Joseph’s in Year 1, celebrates with her family. She achieved A*, A, A and is heading to Birmingham University to study Literature & Film
Sixth Form students and staff at St Joseph’s College are celebrating a superb set of A Level results this morning, with 91% of entries achieving A*-C grades and an impressive 41% of all entries achieving A*-As. This is the highest percentage of A*-As achieved to date in externally assessed A Levels.
Students have secured places on competitive courses at some of the country’s leading universities including UCL, Bristol, Warwick, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff and Bath. They will be studying a wide variety of courses ranging from Law, Veterinary Science, Architecture, Music, Performing Arts, Modern Languages and Navigational and Maritime Science. Some students are applying for apprenticeships, one is joining the Police and others are soon to take up employment.
We are also proud of our students for the other skills that they have learned at St Joseph’s, which will equip them for success at university and beyond. As well as studying for A Levels, they have spent their two years of Sixth Form broadening their horizons, learning life skills and preparing for the future – whether being part of the CAFOD Youth Leadership scheme, running their own company as part of the Young Enterprise programme, completing the Duke of Edinburgh Gold award or achieving their Extended Project Qualification.
Laura Stotesbury, Head at St Joseph’s, said:
“I am delighted to congratulate our students on a superb set of exam results that are a true reflection of their hard work over a turbulent few years due to Covid. As the new Head of St Joseph’s, having just completed my first year in post, I am extremely proud of all that they have achieved and wish them the best of luck as they move on to the next stage of their education or employment.
I am particularly pleased that they achieved the highest percentage of A*-A grades to date rising from 15% in the last set of externally assessed A Levels in 2019, to 41% this year.
My heartfelt thanks go to our remarkable staff; they have guided and supported our students over the last two years with unfailing energy, encouragement and enthusiasm.”

Amber achieved success in her A Levels in Geography, Psychology and Philosophy and Ethics. She has secured an apprenticeship with the Police and is looking forward to starting her course later on this year.

Joe took A Levels in Maths, Physics and Geography and is now off to the University of Plymouth to study Navigation and Maritime Science. Joe has a passion for the sea and has aspirations of being the captain of a ecologically friendly cruise ship. He is the outgoing 1st XV Rugby Captain and House Captain.
Rebecca took A Levels in Geography, Economics and Maths and is delighted to have secured an Accounting apprenticeship with Deloitte.

Ciara (pictured left) achieved A*, A, A in Drama, Maths and Computer Science and is off to university to study Computer Science. She was a lead cast member, Rita, in the College’s recent production of ‘Made in Dagenham’.

Former Head Girl, Annabelle, achieved three A*s in Geography, Business, Drama and A in AS Level Latin. She will go to University College London to study Geography. Annabelle was very involved in drama and music and had a lead role of Beryl in ‘Made in Dagenham’.